Friday, October 26, 2007



that's the nile.
i rafted it.
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this is a conference held in Gitarama, Rwanda. Charith and I were elicited to come and take some photos...we also got to do some home visits and interview people involved in FHI's various programs throughout the area. it was awesome.

Dwight Jackson.
He's the director of a lot of stuff (FHI Rwanda, Burundi and the great lakes region, whatever that means.)
He also looks like an older Jeff Tweedy, if you look close enough (same sleepy eyes)
He's also very Greenville, which is great for me.

yeah that's professor Zahniser.

Evariste. He works with prof. Z.
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more conference.

prof. Z. I bet you miss this guy. you should.

Jesse Walls and Tom (he's british). Jesse's here for an internship mostly working with Jim Zahniser (my school advisor) and Tom is a part of hunger corps, an FHI program.
I appreciate the expression on their faces.
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Agnes and Eulade.

These were my first interviewees of my practicum.
Agnes and Eulade are both beneficiaries whose standard of living has improved dramatically since FHI's CDP (child development program) has been involved in their families. FHI supplied both with animals to rear and sell, and to also use for fertilizer for their fields. they've also supplied one child from both households with uniforms and materials to attend school.

Agnes. she's a widow, probably from the genocide. She pulled herself out a lot of shit with the help of the CDP.

Eulade. He leads a 10 member household.
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mountains and school.

more of Rwanda's farm-laden hills...i will never get enough of this.


this is a school they took us to. i believe the CDP helped build it.
i played some bball with this mofo.

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kids at the school.


um. yeah, that kid has a machete.


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more kids...Gitarama

we found these guys on the way to the FHI office.

one of my favorite shots i've taken in Africa.
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clementine is a beneficiary of Bringing Hope, FHI's HIV/AIDS program. charith, kirsten and i were sent out to the Gikomero community outside of Gitarama to interview her. she's a widow with AIDS and 5 children. she lives in a mud hut with a cow and a sheep.

but she's beautiful and she was very loving toward us.


one of her boys was trying to get in the photo and she laughed. i love this shot.

Clementine and two of her children Boniface (5 years) and Alexander (12 years).
The rest were at school.
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a neighbor girl.

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i love these.

this group of photos inspired what will most likely become the theme of my photos this semester (even though the semester is half gone)

i posted something in my other blog ( how i felt the reason so many live comfortably, unmoved by poverty and suffering...or even by the needs of their most immediate human because the sufferers just aren't real. they're not human enough. people can't see that those they love the least are just like themselves. when they suffer, it's you suffering. it's your family suffering. its your best friend and your spouse suffering.

i want to capture things like this - the intricacies of the body: the lines by the eyes, the gap in the teeth, the vein in the forehead; or the wrinkles on the hands and the dirt on the toes and fingers; the realities of a living human. i want to make the sufferers real to you because they are you and a lot of them need help.

Baby Edouard:



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one of clementine's sons.
a little black alan ramirez.
and real cute.


he was trying to play with the flash on my camera :)
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a neighbor boy.


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more family.


in front of her house.
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bad. ass.




yep. he wanted some beer money for these photos too.

hope you enjoyed.
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